What services are members exchanging?

Computer help, painting, organizing, child care, carpentry, massage, plant identification, drum lessons, genealogical research, weeding, lawn mowing, sewing, mending, dulcimer lessons, henna body art, cooking, editing, foreign language lessons, graphic design, web page design, guitar lessons, personal shopping, pet sitting, illustration, tarot card reading, transportation, canning, playing music, hiking companion, photography, aquarium service, cello lessons, biking companion, hauling stuff in a truck, astrology reading, dog walking, an extra set of hands, house cleaning, bookmaking, and more!

Who can join?

ATX is primarily for those living in Athens County, but if you spend enough time here to earn and spend ATX hours, you can join, too. Community members under 18 can join through a parent or guardian's membership.

Why should I join?

For every hour of help you give, you can also receive an hour of help. Share what you love doing in order to help others, and benefit from the diverse range of skills and talents within our local community!

How do I join?

Sign up at the ATX page at http://atx.timebanks.org/user/register and fill out a profile. A coordinator will get in touch with you to offer times to complete your new member orientation. Please bring a photo ID and your $5 annual membership fee, plus the names and contact numbers of two references. Upon completing your new member orientation and posting at least one offer and request, you will earn two ATX hours.

What does it cost?

It costs $5 annually

Other Questions and Answers

Is there a minimum time requirement?